2021 Post-Baccalaureate in Ceramic Art, University of Montana, Missoula, MT
2020 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Ceramic Art, University of Montana, Missoula, MT
Selected Professional Experience
2024 Instructor, Community Wheel Class and Noyo High School Ceramics, Mendocino Art Center, CA
2022-2023 Instructor, Teen Wheel and Summer Camp, Sonoma Community Center, Sonoma, CA
2022-2023 Studio Assistant, Kala Stein Studio, La Haye Art Center, Sonoma, CA
2022-2023 Studio Technician, Baraka Neti Pots, Santa Rosa, CA
2022-2023 Instructor, Youth Ceramics, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA
2021-2023 Instructor and Employee, Create It, Sebastopol, CA
2020 Gallery Intern, Radius Gallery, Missoula, MT
2016-2017 Student Studio Technician, University of Montana, Missoula, MT
Selected Exhibitions and Performances
Popo Channelle Pop Up on Main, Sebastopol, CA
Friends Show, Northcoast Artists Gallery, Fort Bragg, CA
Spring Plate Series and Select Sculptures Exhibit, The Livery, Sebastopol, CA
Water and Clay, Spring Lake Village, Santa Rosa, CA
Select Work, Coffee and Moore, Sebastopol, CA
Selected Sculpture (Ongoing), Sebastopol Community Garden at Ives Park, Sebastopol, CA
Exhibiting Artist (Ongoing), Graton Gallery, Graton, CA
Pop-Up Art Show with Popochanelle, Sebastopol, CA
Members Show, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA
Leopold Collective Group Show, Willits, CA
Enouement, The Clay Studio of Missoula, MT
Solo Show at The Break Café, Missoula, MT
University of Montana BFA 2020 Exhibit, UM, Missoula, MT
Juried Grand Opening Exhibit, Wildfire Ceramic Studio, Missoula, MT
UM Painting Group Show, Liquid Planet, Missoula, MT
Featured Artist, Mary’s Mountain Cookies, Missoula, MT
Frontierspace Annual Fundraising Exhibit, Missoula, MT
Gallery of Visual Arts Annual Juried Exhibit, UM, Missoula, MT
University of Montana Emerging Ceramic Artists (UMECA) Annual Juried Exhibit and Sale, Off-Center Gallery, UM, Missoula, MT
Bonjourni Group Performance, The Union, Missoula, MT
BodyGrub Artist in RAW Arts Chicago, IL
Gallery of Visual Arts Annual Juried Exhibit, UM, Missoula, MT
Ceramics Group Exhibit, University Center (UC) Gallery, UM, Missoula, MT
Land Art Exhibit, Fine Arts Gallery, UM, Missoula, MT
UMECA Annual Juried Exhibit and Sale, Off-Center Gallery, UM, Missoula, MT
UMECA Annual Juried Exhibit and Sale, Off-Center Gallery, UM, Missoula, MT
Art For Change Juried Group Exhibit, UC Gallery, UM, Missoula, MT
Professional Membership
Member and attendee of National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts